Mar 3, 20161 min

Nice Shot Studios Presents: The Collective Experience featuring Radience Pittman

If you have never been to a show, here is your chance to experience a taste of what I've been working on... And I am honored to have a special guest Kondwani Fidel to be apart of this awesome experience. Two great experiences in one evening!

NICE SHOT STUDIOS presents "The Collective Experience".

The Collective Experience is a showcase featuring some of the most acclaimed pieces from actress, writer, and producer Radience Pittman. She will give you a look into some of her one woman performances and leave the audience mesmorized by her creative style of combining the art of theatre with raising awareness of various issues, such as domestic violence, HIV/AIDS, homelessness, suicide, and police brutality. This is an event you don't want to miss! Also featured is world renownwed spoken word phenomenon Kondwani Fidel. You don't want to miss out!

#radiencepittman #kondwanifidel #niceshotstudios #thebr8agency #thebr8agency #thebreak #thecollectiveexperience #baltimore #spokenword #onewomanshow #niceshotkyle #niceshotkyle
